TRACEY CHEN設計以高級名貴寶石(天然鑽石、緬甸翡翠、紅藍寶石、祖母綠、珠寶級海水珍珠...等)為基礎,依據光澤和純度嚴苛遴選每一顆寶石;並在地球資源日漸稀缺的現在,為珠寶界首位開創採用精細耐敏珠寶金屬做高級珠寶鑲嵌金 屬的發明者,減少傳統珠寶在制程中對地球的污染,也是首位不屈服傳統、用純熟的獨特寶石切割技藝打造翡翠,讓翡翠展現出現代時尚,呈現出一件件流光溢彩的珠寶藝術,讓消費者可以在穿戴高級珠寶的同時並對地球盡一份心力。
All TRACEY CHEN jewelries are designed with high-grade precious gemstones (natural diamonds, Burma jadeite, ruby, emerald, jewelry-grade pearls...) based on a strict selection by luster and purity. Moreover, as the earth's resources are becoming scarce, TRACEY CHEN is the first inventor in the jewelry industry to use recyclable and environmentally delicated nonallergenic jewelry metal to replace the use of gold or platinum, reducing the pollution to the earth in the process of traditional jewelry, and also the first designer using a unique cutting skill to jadeite to make it as a modern artwork, breaking the image that jadeite is an old fashion, so that consumers can wear the fine jewelry but also make a contribution to the earth at the same time.
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